July 28, 2011

Malaysia vs Singapore : Asia Qualifying Round

an awesome show of semangat Malaysia shown by the coolest Djs ever, JJ & Ean feat Nadhira. Go Harimau Malaya!!

May 12, 2011

time for posting again. tons of things happened during the time in the hospital. met different kind of patients with various disease. makes me think back how I never really appreciate the things I have with me right now. I've also experience different situations regarding the patients I nursed after.


while helping a heavily wounded patient on both legs performing his ADL:

pt: malu nye pakcik gini. rasa macam nak mati je.
(saying to both me and my colleague)


a patient with a heart problem suddenly change in his character:

got punched and kick while my uniform was got smeared, a lot by his blood. even dissed a relative and some other stuff.


a young patient who looked healthy yet has spent a long time in the ward.


an educated yet a bit loud (hahahah, man that guy cant keep his mouth shut lol)


there are tons of things you tend to oversee it, including God Himself. yet, when you're really lost and sick, as the malay said, da sakit smua, baru tehegeh2 nak balik pada pangkal jalan".
God, thank you so much giving me everythin I have.

March 17, 2011

ma first work!!!huhuhuh gracias to my partner, cik anna!!pasni collab lg nk hehehe

posting period has come!! huhuhuh.. its been quite a while and for some reason, i didnt have the motivation to go through it. first, i need to find back all the stuff needed (visit miss piqah's blog yek. da ade smua di citu kekekeke). then, to wake up early since morning shift starts at 7am while evening starts at 2(dunno y im awake rite now???? -_-") and finishes at 9pm. aiyark, first time working till night since previously, due to some problem, the latest we worked ourselves was till 5pm. rite2, positive mate!! neways, 2 days has pass n i take back what i mentioned earlier. morning shift was great (so far), budak2 satu ward lak mmg gua tabik!!seyes tabik kat korang!! oh2, and also a major respect and admiration boost to our CI, sr Meriati!! damn, the way she performed the procedures smua. smpai xleh nak ikut!!! makes me think, when will i'll be able to be like her hmmm. oh2, was off the phone with my parents. Alhamdulillah, praises to Allah. my heart jumped with excitement hearing them supporting me in this field. doesnt matter what the future may hold, but hearing those word is good enough for now. thx mum!thx dad! just 2 more problems: assignments and exams!!*sigh* "boleh x nak focus kat praktikal je?xmo amik exam?pleeeeaseeeee?? *puppy eyes* ROFL!!!ok2, i know no matter how bulat i do, it still stinks kekekeke. miss elyn, watkn puppy eyes bagi pihak aku leh?? hehehe..

sr Meriati!! thank you for the guidance. hope to learn more from u =)

March 9, 2011

yeah2, i know. its been a while since my last entry. seems like a dead blog lak hehehe. well, not that i didn't want to post anythin. this semester was really hectic. so the saying bout uni life aite kidding. but one thing is for sure: its awesome! minus the work and all. yadda yadda yadda. neways, heres a few pics on several activities done while im here. just felt like 'hidupkn kembali blog yg mati', so yeah. no stories or anythin. just pics n more pics :P

Inter Kulliyyah Games '11

attending the jrs from CFS

BAKSIS (compulsary
with our foster parents, Jantan Abu Bakar & wife

NurSS Annual Gathering


Communication Role-playing (seminar on the 8th - DONE)

Special thanks to all you peeps, the 7th phyxsius (dicadangkn by our class rep). standing with me. you guys rox!
lets prepare ourselves utk posting minggu depan ^_^

the phyxsius, my fellow nakama of nurses =)

December 19, 2010

Safety Issues in Hospitals

Dr Abdel Karim Abu Samaha takes the stage

"the hospital aint catering for all services."
"the duty of the management is to monitor what is taking places with all these services towards the patient."

Safe use of medication equipment, medication food, rehabilitation etc"
"care of the pt should be in a proper way that consider all th safety issues..."

"commitment towards the law..."

no more identifying the pt based on the number of the bed..."
"...assessment is needed to provide the care a berrer services".

"pt should need a proper care from department to department"

"evaluation takes place between all peer"

"to have proper medication and proper distribution".
"phramacist works together to have a smooth process"

"infection control program is mandatory"
"hand-washing is the most important!" hearing him stressing it out

"information should be kept proper,tidy,securely"

In my attempt to kill a fly, i drove into a telephone pole"

Application of Ibadah Friendly Hospital Concepts & Its Standard Operating Procedures for Muslim Nurses

alright. so for the next session, two workshops are divided. currently following the workshop for nurses done by Pn. Juinarah from Al-Islam (a place wayyy to familiar huhuhuh). so lets start the liveblog:

Pn. Juinarah taking the podium, presenting on SOP jururawat hospital mesra ibadah

"jururawat HMI memberi perkhidmatan kejururawatan yang diintegrasikan"

"...SOP: kemasukan pesakit"

Pn Juinarah, "mengapa yang diri tak penuhkan depan?"
Dr Remy, "Malu~" *laughter*

"menilai keupayaan pt sama ada mereka mampu atau tidak menunaiknan solat".
"mengapa tak solat? takde kopiah! takpe, kami sediakan"

"selain menilai boleh bernafas dengan baik, SOB, ade juga borang bahagian solat reminder..."

SOP: JR JMI melakujkan prosedur
"...plan tugas kita, bagaimana untuk memudahkan pesakit".

"..solat jama' sebelum melakukan prosedur yang lama".

SOP: JR HMI membandut pemeriksaan doktor
"...makcik, bangun pagi. jap lagi doktor nak datang~".
"nurse akan masuk ke bilik pesakit dan memberitahu pesakit".

"sikap jr mengambil rignan soal solat dan aurat"
"...letakkan niat kerana ALlah SWT"
"...JR terlalu banyak bersembang ketika passing report, di kaunter etc".

"bawak apa yang dibelajar di kolej, bukan yang diajar oleh senior"
on the floor, bali snapping around using my cammy. takpe2.

Program mendidik & membentuk JR HMI
"...dari bermula masuk, ade program orentasi, kem ibadah. ini program wajib. MANDATORI!..." a sighing from the crowd

Pn Juinarah finishes her slot and begins the second slot, Rukhsah pesakit: tataca ibadah solat pesakit by Ustaz Marzuki Shaary

"...definis rukhsah: memudahkan."
"...jamaa' sahaja bagi pesakit, tak leh qasar"

"...ada cara lain yang lagi mesra bagi pesakit. COntoh: wudhu's dan tayamun"
"bila da azan, baru nak masak nasi, tu da melampau la"*LOL by the crowd
"...pandangan Allah & rasul tak boleh ditolak. wajib untuk diterima".

"mengapa kita menggabungkan solat zohor dan asar kerana terdapat keuzuran iaitu sakit"
"nabi pernah solat zohor dan asar secara jama' tanpa kemudaratan...(HR Muslim)"
"...menyelamatkan nyawa pesakit lebih kritikal. ia merupakan ijtihad"

keperluan kepada rukhsah
"...ALlah ingin memudahkan kita bukan utk menyusahkan kita".

"...punya la seseorang itu berpegang kepada mazhab sehingga tak berani mengikuti imam mazhab hanafi"(contoh di mekah)

"orang yang sakit boleh berbuka puasa tapi bergantung kepada penyakit."
"...terimalah pemberian Allah, jangan tak terima".
"tidak batal puasa bagi orang yang menggunakan inhaler bagi org yang berpenyakit asma"(hears attentively!)

jamak suuri - gambaran seakan-akan jamak
"...akhirkan solat zohor dan awalkan solat asar".

"tempat yag wajib basuh boleh diganti dengan sapu"
*ustaz marzuki showing the diferences between basuh and sapu*
anggota wajib dibasuh: muka,tangan,kaki, manakala sapu adalah kepala".
"ada beberapa situasi yang membenarkan anggota basuh dispaukan seperti tangan yang ada balutan jikalau dibasuh akan menyebabkan infection".

"ada orang yang tak mampu berwudhu' mahupun bertayammun..."
"dah kalau pergi mekah, semua kaki solat."
"solat mesti ditunaikan dalam waktu2 yang tetentu!"
"nabi pernah tepuk kepada dinding dan menyapukan ke anggota dari atas ke bawah lalu mengerjakan solat(hadith sahih)"

Ustaz marzuki showing other tayammum for those in certain conditions
eg: pt with POP on their hand, thus doing the tayammum just below the wrist
"tayammun dengan bumi yang bersih..."
"Allah mengatakan bahawa setiap bumi ini adalah bersih"

"pt yang terbakar yang tidak boleh berwudhu' atau bertayammun. andai tidak boleh ditutup anggota, tutup screen".

"bagi yang memakai urinal bag, wudhu' diambil selepas masuk waktu solat".
"saya kalau memakai colostomy bag rasa lebih hensem."*crowds laughing
"andai memakai sekadar aksessori, maka batal solat!"

practical session done by ustaz marzuki
helping a pt in taking wudhu'."wuhdu' yang dibantu tak sah jikalau masih mampu untuk membuat sendiri".
"bagi kepala yang berbalut, sapukan sedikit sahaja sudah menucukupi".
"bagi jama', mencukupi untuk satu wudhu' itu".
*calls the pat*"emm,boleh jalan ke?*laughs*
"bagaiman SMS solat ketika di angkasa? SMS mnjawab,"menepuk pada dinding"".
"andai sakit,xperlu diratakan pasir tayammun itu."

"batalkah tayamun yang di mana isteri menyapukan debu/pasir untuk isteri?"
"tidak membatalkan tayammun bagi yang sakit."

"bagaimanakah solat dalam kenderaan?adakah perlu mengadap kiblat?"
"ketika mengangkat takbir,diharuskan menghadap kiblat.selepas itu, tidak mengapa."

Islamic values in hospital employees' satisfaction management - Dr Effek Alamsyah

Dr Effek taking the stage in one bright suit ^_^

"...5 key dimension:jobs, co-workers, salaries & welfare, promotions & leadership"

"percentage of employees' satisfaction: mostly dissatisfied!" lmao

"every mankind as the creature of Allah should devote his life to pray and show his piety to prepare for the herafter and get the blessing from Allah(Mardhatillah)"
"the better mankind is the one who benefit for the others".

"I heard Malaysia salary is low. however, Indonesia is lowest *crowd laughs a bit*".
10 juta, 5 juta, 2 juta rupiah. imagine if its malaysian ringgit.WHAM!!!hohohoh

Dr Effek,"thank you. Assalamualaikum wbt"
yikes, not much here i can say hmmm..