end of 2008:ZOKATHON!!!
well there was an alumni bbq at sharifah n syed's house(yeah2,i noe u guys had fun *sigh*)..unfrtunately couldnt go since on tat day itself me n my crew(Medcy's Sport & Rec) were handling a marathon event..wait,marathon??ermm not quite la since it was less then 5km..anyways,we had the Zokathon tat day n since i was the progrm manager(yup2,mekasih la ji sbb suruh aku yerk),dh mmg kena la stay smpai habis progrm,whether i like to or nt..planng hbs pkul 10 bt since polis pn dtg lmbt,mula pn lmbt la..alhamdulillah the runners sabar..klo x,mampuih ktrg nk deal with 150++ ppl(actual no was 300++ but ade exam lak..darn ICT!!!)..pape pn,everyone had a good time even though ad salah silap here n there(gomenne meji,nab,shake & all u guys)..
(pics of SMAC n Fam Day ade kat fb since i dnt hve the soft copy yet)..
finally,AGD came a day after SMAC..kelam kabut committee2 1st yr..ngan deco nye,script la,pantun la..mcm2 kerenah..fateyn used every bit of her brain to figure out wat to do..but alhamdulillah,eventually everythin came together..the place looked great with the theme:Night of the Classic, Reliving the Legacy..so yeah,the seniors were hapi,VIP enjoyed thmslves including MADAM NIK!!!wohooooo..xsangka seyh hehehe..nwys,special thx to all the advicers 4 coming tat nite..
so yeah...guess i've summarized wat happend lol..n yeah,rite now im enjoying my holidays..3 months peeps!!!muahahaha..hopefully i cn find a work or something..dnt wanna stay at home je..mati den kebosanan ngaahahah..owh,pics of sports day r at gen05..most shots taken werent quite nice so i didnt upload it lol..
i'll mke sure dat pak jat will read dis k..ahaks!!~~~he's coming!!!~~~kau nak nanges pak cik..??wuhuhuhuuh!!~~~sayang x nampak...hmmm..:p
aik,buat pe pak jat nk tgk ni???bab mne ko nk ckp kat die tuh huh????
those sports day shots are kinda cool
wht camera did u used ek? :)
i used nikon d70..
hohoho thx for the commnt though xpuas ati sgt wit some of the shots..
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