May 23, 2010

stuck.confused.what the heck should i do now?should i stay and continue whatever im doin
or go in order to please others.times running by one,people are almost deciding what's best rather than even listenin to what i have to say.

Ya Allah,hamba-Mu kini menunggu petunjukMu ya rabb


M Syakirah said...

listen to ur heart~...if ur heart tells u nothing.then listen to ppl tat really u think really noe u

Afiqah Zulkifli said...

abg sharaf nk tuka cos ke

sharaf said...

insyaAllah shake..thx

ntah pika..bkn stakat course..hmmm abg pn pening nk pk..

Afiqah Zulkifli said...

oh, mst nk tuka u en
g mne ?
sori byk tnye plk :D

sharaf said...

xsure lgi..ngah mntk petnjk skg ni..huhuh xpe2,silakn tnye =)