May 4, 2009

(-_-") late post huhuh

yeah2,i noe..hvnt been bloggin for a while eventhgh byk benda tejadi..xkesampaian je kot hehehe(padahal cuti!!!wtf???hahahaha)..
nways,rewind time....!!!!!!!!!!(swishhhh)

SATURDAY,APRIL 25 - MUET!!!*sigh*.had to stay bak for a couple of days at pj.nk get back to exam mood i guees??-_-".ended up sleeping in any room yg ade xtra katil on the first nite while on the 2nd nite,shared katil ngan ucop kekeke.mekasih la ye cop.syok ko main komputer hehehehe.but hey,it rlly wasnt my day tat day.woke up on the wrong side of the bed,couldnt get through the nite wit a good sleep,still sick,got quite a shock...walking to amf with loads of things in this small head...all i could do was bear i can get through it.damn,time dewan panas,mcm dlm oven.time sejuk mcm dlm fridge.hampeh!!!dh la pkai lengan pendek.grrrrrr.boy,hapi x hapi smua wen the pengawas said,"masa dh tamat.smua calon dikehendaki utk berhenti menulis.sila letakkan pen anda".my head was spinning n spinning.almost collpsed on the way back.but tried to tahan infrnt of everyone.ingat time balik, boleh la relax2.guess nt.was asked to go tgk,Selangor vs Kelantan.i was like,"wat the heck???piala m'sia,sape nk tgk????"n besides,i still wasnt in a condition to enjoy pape.truth is,just nk smpaikn hajat org.huhuh,smpai2 bukit jalil,mak datuk!!rmai gile bab!!!lautan merah tuuuuuuu!!!(both team were red bt tat nite,S'gor wore yellow while K'tan wore red).risau gak duk dkat penyokong2 ni.kang ade yg fanatic sgt,pyh gak nnti huhuhuh.planning to go back b4 90 min and the score was still 0-0.mane leh nk balik!!!bukan slalu dpt tgk final live..n also,it was my first time watching bola sepak M'sia hehehe..xleh pakai nye warga M'sia hehehe..after extra,seri 1-1 lak.xde2,tgk penalty ktrg siap2 nk blk la.tgk dr bawah je(me,my bro n some friends).prittttttt!!!!Selangor menang!!! thing i know,we were running to get to the earliest train.alhamdulillah sempat la tp in tat compartment,smua penyokong K'tan.gulp.terdiam ktrg dlm tren.pape pn,alhamdulillah selamat smpai umah.mmg pengsan tuh....*sigh*condition was slightly worse than b4....

during the PK...huhuhuhhu debar gile

SUNDAY,April 26 - after the morning class,got myslf ready to meet the rest of the SnR crew.excited melebeyh lak diorg nk pegi Sungai yeah,y not.pegi je la.myb this will b the last time spent with those awesome 2nd year peeps.smpai2,they said they were still in the bas la,ape la.ntah la, lg,explore la skit the it was really nice.the stream,the jungle,the waterfall.boys went swimming at the higher ground coz tmpt tu rmai sgt dh while the gurls went somewhere terpencil skit downstream.mcm2 aksi budak2 laki ni buat.summersault,backflip,belly-flop by who,i cant recall.but man,did it hurt hehehe.pape pn,its a nice getaway place.arghhhhI,my spek!!!!huhuhu yeah2,u cn guess.pecah dh lens die huhuhu.tension2.went back home b4 asar n bamm,mom was already back from N9.ingt xsmpai lg.xsmpat nk borak2 sgt coz badan letih ya ampun huhhu....

hahaha look2,my hands r cming out of the waterfall heheheh...

WEEKDAYS - same ol routine.subuh,drive to school wit fathin,hang out in the resource room till zuhur,have my 1 hour 10 mins BM class with all 12 thai students,stay back till 7pm coz fathin had a rehearsal,detour back to school after maghrib for my hafazan n on certain days,tution with a few juniors..blablablablabla..yup,tats basicly my daily hey,kinda felt excited during this week since we're having our Paintball fiesta(technically,tats wat i call it was really an Alumni gathering from batch 1-6).so agak sibuk la.calling peeps here n there,confrmg the attendance,bincang sal transport etc.yet,all tat work was truly worth it.alas,the day has finally arrived!!!SATURDAY,MAY 2,before subuh - hehehe well,i couldnt get much sleep.too excited or had some problems tat nite,cnt rcall it.but alhhmd,things went well walaupun masa lari skit pape pn,we had a blast.special thx to the organizerto fred,iman,fuds,mo,abg teh,fafan,sya,amin,thx for all u gen 5 yg xdpt dtg,really wished all of u were there....

black team during jungle area.
team leader:nihlah

blue team.
team leader:tikki

the warrior of the day award goes to....Shaqel!!!after receiving 2 shots at the neck hehehe

leading the black team during the 3rd capture the flag..

after the jungle game..the proud fighter n the awesome cameraman =)..
head,shoulder n my right thigh were shot thx to nabil n hafiz during the zombie war~

came out as the last man standing for the black team.had a 1 on 1 match with hafiz kamarul.xhabis2 main nyorok je.tension2 hell,it was a tiring week,tats 4 sure....
huhuh n ermmm sori peeps,gmbr2 from atiyah n amir's cam x amik lg..dpt i'll upload it aite.


Sarah said...

Hoho, best!
I watch football but not Malaysian football,unfortunately.
Oh yeah, the only match I watched is the one between Malaysia and Indonesia 4 years ago. Didn't manage to captivate my interest. :P

sharaf said...

well i watched it pn coz dpt free ticket..kang membazir lak so pg la..ok wat..just tat there r a lot of areas the M'sian soccer needs to improve..