Dr Abdel Karim Abu Samaha takes the stage
"the hospital aint catering for all services."
"the duty of the management is to monitor what is taking places with all these services towards the patient."
Safe use of medication equipment, medication food, rehabilitation etc"
"care of the pt should be in a proper way that consider all th safety issues..."
"commitment towards the law..."
no more identifying the pt based on the number of the bed..."
"...assessment is needed to provide the care a berrer services".
"pt should need a proper care from department to department"
"evaluation takes place between all peer"
"to have proper medication and proper distribution".
"phramacist works together to have a smooth process"
"infection control program is mandatory"
"hand-washing is the most important!" hearing him stressing it out
"information should be kept proper,tidy,securely"
In my attempt to kill a fly, i drove into a telephone pole"
December 19, 2010
Application of Ibadah Friendly Hospital Concepts & Its Standard Operating Procedures for Muslim Nurses
alright. so for the next session, two workshops are divided. currently following the workshop for nurses done by Pn. Juinarah from Al-Islam (a place wayyy to familiar huhuhuh). so lets start the liveblog:
Pn. Juinarah taking the podium, presenting on SOP jururawat hospital mesra ibadah
"jururawat HMI memberi perkhidmatan kejururawatan yang diintegrasikan"
"...SOP: kemasukan pesakit"
Pn Juinarah, "mengapa yang diri tak penuhkan depan?"
Dr Remy, "Malu~" *laughter*
"menilai keupayaan pt sama ada mereka mampu atau tidak menunaiknan solat".
"mengapa tak solat? takde kopiah! takpe, kami sediakan"
"selain menilai boleh bernafas dengan baik, SOB, ade juga borang bahagian solat reminder..."
SOP: JR JMI melakujkan prosedur
"...plan tugas kita, bagaimana untuk memudahkan pesakit".
"..solat jama' sebelum melakukan prosedur yang lama".
SOP: JR HMI membandut pemeriksaan doktor
"...makcik, bangun pagi. jap lagi doktor nak datang~".
"nurse akan masuk ke bilik pesakit dan memberitahu pesakit".
"sikap jr mengambil rignan soal solat dan aurat"
"...letakkan niat kerana ALlah SWT"
"...JR terlalu banyak bersembang ketika passing report, di kaunter etc".
"bawak apa yang dibelajar di kolej, bukan yang diajar oleh senior"
on the floor, bali snapping around using my cammy. takpe2.
Program mendidik & membentuk JR HMI
"...dari bermula masuk, ade program orentasi, kem ibadah. ini program wajib. MANDATORI!..." a sighing from the crowd
Pn Juinarah finishes her slot and begins the second slot, Rukhsah pesakit: tataca ibadah solat pesakit by Ustaz Marzuki Shaary
"...definis rukhsah: memudahkan."
"...jamaa' sahaja bagi pesakit, tak leh qasar"
"...ada cara lain yang lagi mesra bagi pesakit. COntoh: wudhu's dan tayamun"
"bila da azan, baru nak masak nasi, tu da melampau la"*LOL by the crowd
"...pandangan Allah & rasul tak boleh ditolak. wajib untuk diterima".
"mengapa kita menggabungkan solat zohor dan asar kerana terdapat keuzuran iaitu sakit"
"nabi pernah solat zohor dan asar secara jama' tanpa kemudaratan...(HR Muslim)"
"...menyelamatkan nyawa pesakit lebih kritikal. ia merupakan ijtihad"
keperluan kepada rukhsah
"...ALlah ingin memudahkan kita bukan utk menyusahkan kita".
"...punya la seseorang itu berpegang kepada mazhab sehingga tak berani mengikuti imam mazhab hanafi"(contoh di mekah)
"orang yang sakit boleh berbuka puasa tapi bergantung kepada penyakit."
"...terimalah pemberian Allah, jangan tak terima".
"tidak batal puasa bagi orang yang menggunakan inhaler bagi org yang berpenyakit asma"(hears attentively!)
jamak suuri - gambaran seakan-akan jamak
"...akhirkan solat zohor dan awalkan solat asar".
"tempat yag wajib basuh boleh diganti dengan sapu"
*ustaz marzuki showing the diferences between basuh and sapu*
anggota wajib dibasuh: muka,tangan,kaki, manakala sapu adalah kepala".
"ada beberapa situasi yang membenarkan anggota basuh dispaukan seperti tangan yang ada balutan jikalau dibasuh akan menyebabkan infection".
"ada orang yang tak mampu berwudhu' mahupun bertayammun..."
"dah kalau pergi mekah, semua kaki solat."
"solat mesti ditunaikan dalam waktu2 yang tetentu!"
"nabi pernah tepuk kepada dinding dan menyapukan ke anggota dari atas ke bawah lalu mengerjakan solat(hadith sahih)"
Ustaz marzuki showing other tayammum for those in certain conditions
eg: pt with POP on their hand, thus doing the tayammum just below the wrist
"tayammun dengan bumi yang bersih..."
"Allah mengatakan bahawa setiap bumi ini adalah bersih"
"pt yang terbakar yang tidak boleh berwudhu' atau bertayammun. andai tidak boleh ditutup anggota, tutup screen".
"bagi yang memakai urinal bag, wudhu' diambil selepas masuk waktu solat".
"saya kalau memakai colostomy bag rasa lebih hensem."*crowds laughing
"andai memakai sekadar aksessori, maka batal solat!"
practical session done by ustaz marzuki
helping a pt in taking wudhu'."wuhdu' yang dibantu tak sah jikalau masih mampu untuk membuat sendiri".
"bagi kepala yang berbalut, sapukan sedikit sahaja sudah menucukupi".
"bagi jama', mencukupi untuk satu wudhu' itu".
*calls the pat*"emm,boleh jalan ke?*laughs*
"bagaiman SMS solat ketika di angkasa? SMS mnjawab,"menepuk pada dinding"".
"andai sakit,xperlu diratakan pasir tayammun itu."
"batalkah tayamun yang di mana isteri menyapukan debu/pasir untuk isteri?"
"tidak membatalkan tayammun bagi yang sakit."
"bagaimanakah solat dalam kenderaan?adakah perlu mengadap kiblat?"
"ketika mengangkat takbir,diharuskan menghadap kiblat.selepas itu, tidak mengapa."
Pn. Juinarah taking the podium, presenting on SOP jururawat hospital mesra ibadah
"jururawat HMI memberi perkhidmatan kejururawatan yang diintegrasikan"
"...SOP: kemasukan pesakit"
Pn Juinarah, "mengapa yang diri tak penuhkan depan?"
Dr Remy, "Malu~" *laughter*
"menilai keupayaan pt sama ada mereka mampu atau tidak menunaiknan solat".
"mengapa tak solat? takde kopiah! takpe, kami sediakan"
"selain menilai boleh bernafas dengan baik, SOB, ade juga borang bahagian solat reminder..."
SOP: JR JMI melakujkan prosedur
"...plan tugas kita, bagaimana untuk memudahkan pesakit".
"..solat jama' sebelum melakukan prosedur yang lama".
SOP: JR HMI membandut pemeriksaan doktor
"...makcik, bangun pagi. jap lagi doktor nak datang~".
"nurse akan masuk ke bilik pesakit dan memberitahu pesakit".
"sikap jr mengambil rignan soal solat dan aurat"
"...letakkan niat kerana ALlah SWT"
"...JR terlalu banyak bersembang ketika passing report, di kaunter etc".
"bawak apa yang dibelajar di kolej, bukan yang diajar oleh senior"
on the floor, bali snapping around using my cammy. takpe2.
Program mendidik & membentuk JR HMI
"...dari bermula masuk, ade program orentasi, kem ibadah. ini program wajib. MANDATORI!..." a sighing from the crowd
Pn Juinarah finishes her slot and begins the second slot, Rukhsah pesakit: tataca ibadah solat pesakit by Ustaz Marzuki Shaary
"...definis rukhsah: memudahkan."
"...jamaa' sahaja bagi pesakit, tak leh qasar"
"...ada cara lain yang lagi mesra bagi pesakit. COntoh: wudhu's dan tayamun"
"bila da azan, baru nak masak nasi, tu da melampau la"*LOL by the crowd
"...pandangan Allah & rasul tak boleh ditolak. wajib untuk diterima".
"mengapa kita menggabungkan solat zohor dan asar kerana terdapat keuzuran iaitu sakit"
"nabi pernah solat zohor dan asar secara jama' tanpa kemudaratan...(HR Muslim)"
"...menyelamatkan nyawa pesakit lebih kritikal. ia merupakan ijtihad"
keperluan kepada rukhsah
"...ALlah ingin memudahkan kita bukan utk menyusahkan kita".
"...punya la seseorang itu berpegang kepada mazhab sehingga tak berani mengikuti imam mazhab hanafi"(contoh di mekah)
"orang yang sakit boleh berbuka puasa tapi bergantung kepada penyakit."
"...terimalah pemberian Allah, jangan tak terima".
"tidak batal puasa bagi orang yang menggunakan inhaler bagi org yang berpenyakit asma"(hears attentively!)
jamak suuri - gambaran seakan-akan jamak
"...akhirkan solat zohor dan awalkan solat asar".
"tempat yag wajib basuh boleh diganti dengan sapu"
*ustaz marzuki showing the diferences between basuh and sapu*
anggota wajib dibasuh: muka,tangan,kaki, manakala sapu adalah kepala".
"ada beberapa situasi yang membenarkan anggota basuh dispaukan seperti tangan yang ada balutan jikalau dibasuh akan menyebabkan infection".
"ada orang yang tak mampu berwudhu' mahupun bertayammun..."
"dah kalau pergi mekah, semua kaki solat."
"solat mesti ditunaikan dalam waktu2 yang tetentu!"
"nabi pernah tepuk kepada dinding dan menyapukan ke anggota dari atas ke bawah lalu mengerjakan solat(hadith sahih)"
Ustaz marzuki showing other tayammum for those in certain conditions
eg: pt with POP on their hand, thus doing the tayammum just below the wrist
"tayammun dengan bumi yang bersih..."
"Allah mengatakan bahawa setiap bumi ini adalah bersih"
"pt yang terbakar yang tidak boleh berwudhu' atau bertayammun. andai tidak boleh ditutup anggota, tutup screen".
"bagi yang memakai urinal bag, wudhu' diambil selepas masuk waktu solat".
"saya kalau memakai colostomy bag rasa lebih hensem."*crowds laughing
"andai memakai sekadar aksessori, maka batal solat!"
practical session done by ustaz marzuki
helping a pt in taking wudhu'."wuhdu' yang dibantu tak sah jikalau masih mampu untuk membuat sendiri".
"bagi kepala yang berbalut, sapukan sedikit sahaja sudah menucukupi".
"bagi jama', mencukupi untuk satu wudhu' itu".
*calls the pat*"emm,boleh jalan ke?*laughs*
"bagaiman SMS solat ketika di angkasa? SMS mnjawab,"menepuk pada dinding"".
"andai sakit,xperlu diratakan pasir tayammun itu."
"batalkah tayamun yang di mana isteri menyapukan debu/pasir untuk isteri?"
"tidak membatalkan tayammun bagi yang sakit."
"bagaimanakah solat dalam kenderaan?adakah perlu mengadap kiblat?"
"ketika mengangkat takbir,diharuskan menghadap kiblat.selepas itu, tidak mengapa."
Islamic values in hospital employees' satisfaction management - Dr Effek Alamsyah
Dr Effek taking the stage in one bright suit ^_^
"...5 key dimension:jobs, co-workers, salaries & welfare, promotions & leadership"
"percentage of employees' satisfaction: mostly dissatisfied!" lmao
"every mankind as the creature of Allah should devote his life to pray and show his piety to prepare for the herafter and get the blessing from Allah(Mardhatillah)"
"the better mankind is the one who benefit for the others".
"I heard Malaysia salary is low. however, Indonesia is lowest *crowd laughs a bit*".
10 juta, 5 juta, 2 juta rupiah. imagine if its malaysian ringgit.WHAM!!!hohohoh
Dr Effek,"thank you. Assalamualaikum wbt"
yikes, not much here i can say hmmm..
Dr Effek taking the stage in one bright suit ^_^
"...5 key dimension:jobs, co-workers, salaries & welfare, promotions & leadership"
"percentage of employees' satisfaction: mostly dissatisfied!" lmao
"every mankind as the creature of Allah should devote his life to pray and show his piety to prepare for the herafter and get the blessing from Allah(Mardhatillah)"
"the better mankind is the one who benefit for the others".
"I heard Malaysia salary is low. however, Indonesia is lowest *crowd laughs a bit*".
10 juta, 5 juta, 2 juta rupiah. imagine if its malaysian ringgit.WHAM!!!hohohoh
Dr Effek,"thank you. Assalamualaikum wbt"
yikes, not much here i can say hmmm..
social responsibility of muslim health care worker - Dato' Dr Abdul Razak Bin Hj Kechik
Dr Abdul Razak, "...nicely mention about the cili padi. but if you swallow it, you'll get diarrhea. so that is not me!"
showing his achievement: tokoh ABIM, Maal hijrah n lastly Maulidur rasul
explaining a few on surah Al-Ma'un
"kalau ko buat aku, jangan buat maksiat! kalau buat maksiat, jangan buat aku!" a deep meaning regarding solat..don't take it directly peeps. understand its true meaning.
"...the aqidah of this surah is that to be a muslim is not only solat, but you must also help people. otherwise your solat will be rejected!"
"he who wakes up in the morning but does not care about the affairs of Muslims is not one of them" (HR Al-Bukhari)"
"he is not one of them, who takes his fill when the neighbour is hungry".
"...you cannot be a true Muslim without this aqidah".
"...the mentioning of solat work before solat. doesnt mean solat is not important!but meaning that social work is also important!"
"...kerana kita tak sayang akan saudara kita itu..."
elaborating on the hadith regarding the prostitute giving water to a dog, which her sins were then forgiven
"...why does the man with a big turban is not mentioned?why does a prostitute is mentioned?"
"...there are no prostitute here, so i am addressing the wrong people!!"
"you enter syurga not because of your solat because your solat is destroyed. why? because there is no khusyuk!build a mosque but not accepted! why? because for show!"
"Prophet Muhammad said," on every bones of our finger(start counting people), everyday must have a sedekah""
"...refrain from harming others.that is considered as sadaqah also..."
"jangan tolong benda yang haram, atau dengan benda yang haram!" Dr Razak stressing out that matter.
"verily, every intention is based on your niat".
"to do a work, must be professional."
"as Mulim health worker, we must understand the disease in the view of Islam"
"disease is a test from Allah. the more you are tested, the more you are loved by Allah".
"there is no disease that befall a mukmin but ALlah will forgive is sins and Allah will record it as a reward from him and elevate him.(At-Tabrani)"
the man who will go to Hell - a hadith mentioning the Prophet s.a.w asking a Badouin regarding fever and headache. (HR Bukhari, Ahmad, An-Nasai, Ibn Hibban, and Bazaar)
"...have to stop. Dr Ishak is looking at me now."
showing some slides of activities done on social charity.
Dr Saifullah from PPUM for the Q&A, "what is the secret for how you can sustain this noble work of yours?
Dr Razak, "...Allah shall not reveal another ayat until this ayat(surah Al-Ma'un) is practiced.(based on the prophet's time)"
"...smile, and feed the poor".
"...to motivate ourselves, read the sirahs of the prophet and sahabahs"
martnong was snapping a few pics of the talk, readily dressed like and IP today.
Dr Ishak, "its good to see someone who has retired from the government but not from his deeds".
Dr Abdul Razak, "...nicely mention about the cili padi. but if you swallow it, you'll get diarrhea. so that is not me!"
showing his achievement: tokoh ABIM, Maal hijrah n lastly Maulidur rasul
explaining a few on surah Al-Ma'un
"kalau ko buat aku, jangan buat maksiat! kalau buat maksiat, jangan buat aku!" a deep meaning regarding solat..don't take it directly peeps. understand its true meaning.
"...the aqidah of this surah is that to be a muslim is not only solat, but you must also help people. otherwise your solat will be rejected!"
"he who wakes up in the morning but does not care about the affairs of Muslims is not one of them" (HR Al-Bukhari)"
"he is not one of them, who takes his fill when the neighbour is hungry".
"...you cannot be a true Muslim without this aqidah".
"...the mentioning of solat work before solat. doesnt mean solat is not important!but meaning that social work is also important!"
"...kerana kita tak sayang akan saudara kita itu..."
elaborating on the hadith regarding the prostitute giving water to a dog, which her sins were then forgiven
"...why does the man with a big turban is not mentioned?why does a prostitute is mentioned?"
"...there are no prostitute here, so i am addressing the wrong people!!"
"you enter syurga not because of your solat because your solat is destroyed. why? because there is no khusyuk!build a mosque but not accepted! why? because for show!"
"Prophet Muhammad said," on every bones of our finger(start counting people), everyday must have a sedekah""
"...refrain from harming others.that is considered as sadaqah also..."
"jangan tolong benda yang haram, atau dengan benda yang haram!" Dr Razak stressing out that matter.
"verily, every intention is based on your niat".
"to do a work, must be professional."
"as Mulim health worker, we must understand the disease in the view of Islam"
"disease is a test from Allah. the more you are tested, the more you are loved by Allah".
"there is no disease that befall a mukmin but ALlah will forgive is sins and Allah will record it as a reward from him and elevate him.(At-Tabrani)"
the man who will go to Hell - a hadith mentioning the Prophet s.a.w asking a Badouin regarding fever and headache. (HR Bukhari, Ahmad, An-Nasai, Ibn Hibban, and Bazaar)
"...have to stop. Dr Ishak is looking at me now."
showing some slides of activities done on social charity.
Dr Saifullah from PPUM for the Q&A, "what is the secret for how you can sustain this noble work of yours?
Dr Razak, "...Allah shall not reveal another ayat until this ayat(surah Al-Ma'un) is practiced.(based on the prophet's time)"
"...smile, and feed the poor".
"...to motivate ourselves, read the sirahs of the prophet and sahabahs"
martnong was snapping a few pics of the talk, readily dressed like and IP today.
Dr Ishak, "its good to see someone who has retired from the government but not from his deeds".
Inculcalating leadership skills among medical students
alrite2, lets do some live bloggin for a change today. it'll be a first so sori if it aint much hahaha
up goes Prof Dr Ariff in his red batik on the podium, beginning his talk on "Inculcalating leadership among medical students".
Leadership Game
performing various activities with the student such as documenting various topics.
".. usually the secretary are the ladies, which i don't like.anybody can do the secretary job, not only the ladies."
"...leadership has to be learn this way, as a game"
""...ajari aku cinta was an interesting topic regarding on puberty and all."
"MBBS is not enough. MBBS means members of back benches society."
"yesterday i've talked alot so today i just go straight to the topic". perghhh,laju gak habis
Dr Aishah being the first to the mic.
"its high time for doctors to work with other than among themselves".
*currently things are getting hot here hahahaha*
Dr Zaki from somewhere, didnt manage to ask it
"we're inculcalating some programs.what are we doing in terms of research?"
Dr Ariff respons, "...to know more on the creation..."
"medications, in malaysia has become industry".
"we need doctors, future leaders to deal with these issues."
Mr. Rahman
"everywhere we talk about problems on mutual respect between peers..."
"doctors scold nurses etc..."
Dr Ariff, "hopefully we can take in account what he has mentioned."
Dr Ariff asking a few additional minutes from the moderator
talking about the book of the prophet s.a.w
Mr Moderator, "you've completed what i wanted to say..."
hahahaha nice one
Dr Remy, "...maybe in our next session we can consider to call Dr Aishah as our speaker..."
alrire, done with first session.. not much though..just trying to stay awake..up to next session.
up goes Prof Dr Ariff in his red batik on the podium, beginning his talk on "Inculcalating leadership among medical students".
Leadership Game
performing various activities with the student such as documenting various topics.
".. usually the secretary are the ladies, which i don't like.anybody can do the secretary job, not only the ladies."
"...leadership has to be learn this way, as a game"
""...ajari aku cinta was an interesting topic regarding on puberty and all."
"MBBS is not enough. MBBS means members of back benches society."
"yesterday i've talked alot so today i just go straight to the topic". perghhh,laju gak habis
Dr Aishah being the first to the mic.
"its high time for doctors to work with other than among themselves".
*currently things are getting hot here hahahaha*
Dr Zaki from somewhere, didnt manage to ask it
"we're inculcalating some programs.what are we doing in terms of research?"
Dr Ariff respons, "...to know more on the creation..."
"medications, in malaysia has become industry".
"we need doctors, future leaders to deal with these issues."
Mr. Rahman
"everywhere we talk about problems on mutual respect between peers..."
"doctors scold nurses etc..."
Dr Ariff, "hopefully we can take in account what he has mentioned."
Dr Ariff asking a few additional minutes from the moderator
talking about the book of the prophet s.a.w
Mr Moderator, "you've completed what i wanted to say..."
hahahaha nice one
Dr Remy, "...maybe in our next session we can consider to call Dr Aishah as our speaker..."
alrire, done with first session.. not much though..just trying to stay awake..up to next session.
November 24, 2010
smiles =)
one after another, the Almighty has bless me with outstanding people in my life. from my family to my friends. no words can describe how i feel towards them.
smiles are expression which are meant to bring happiness and joy. some may smile from the bottom of their hearts, while others may even fake it. yet, there some in the world today are not able to smile due to the structure of their face.
recently, a dear friend of mine started a project to help create smiles on the face of another human being. what amazed me was the fact that how she had the guts to started in and how'd she succeed in the earlier stage. may Allah bless her for her deeds. any of u reading this, hope u have the time to spare to catch a clip regarding the project, created by Alia Nadhirah binti Ahmad Fakhri.
for further details, you can click the following link:
"Twenty for Smileys"
smiles are expression which are meant to bring happiness and joy. some may smile from the bottom of their hearts, while others may even fake it. yet, there some in the world today are not able to smile due to the structure of their face.
recently, a dear friend of mine started a project to help create smiles on the face of another human being. what amazed me was the fact that how she had the guts to started in and how'd she succeed in the earlier stage. may Allah bless her for her deeds. any of u reading this, hope u have the time to spare to catch a clip regarding the project, created by Alia Nadhirah binti Ahmad Fakhri.
for further details, you can click the following link:
"Twenty for Smileys"
October 31, 2010
though it may be coming to an end, the path i choose haven't even reach half of the journey. its just the beginning. but things are a bit clear. what the one's call nurses do. must be nuts writing this while having my next paper in a few days. ahh, what the hell. beats reading some notes without even understanding one bit. besides, who knows. maybe i'll be able to get into gear and finally memorize all these stuffs. not gonna complain too much. like it or not, cramping all these are kinda important since ur dealing with the human body. its like..well..exciting??nah, not the rite word..how'd i say??emmm i dunno..wat screw it. seems like my minds is screwed big time ahahah..not even able to understand wat im trying to say huhuhu. yeah well, watever. just writing watever these fingers are typing.
September 21, 2010
August 25, 2010
August 11, 2010
NurSS Family Day
August 10, 2010
May 23, 2010
May 11, 2010
sayonara cfs~
after 2 years, 08++++ students are able to bid CFS goodbye. 2 years of laughter, joy, laughter, happiness, sadness, pain, injuries. any memories at all. the time with the friends here are simply awesome. no matter how bitter it is, it still is a memory tat i'll remember. well enough of that. come on peeps~!next stop!! Kuantan@Gombak Campus!!eta:7 weeks(nursing students) to 8 weeks(other courses) and counting.why the different date?God knows.anyways, gracias to all Section 1 lecturer and classmates. all of u really rocked my final semester hahaha!
kehidupan para remaja yang masih membujang:




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